Statement of Purpose & Patient Guide

Our Mission Statement

Please be advised that The Globe Travel Health Centre is a part of Vaccination UK.

Vaccination UK aim to make a significant and valued contribution to the health and wellbeing of individuals and local communities by providing high quality, evidence-based treatment and advice to individuals in a variety of settings.

Through our network of Travel Clinics in the UK we aim to provide a private travel vaccination service that is of the highest calibre. Our nurses are trained to the highest level and are up to date with the latest disease outbreaks and international recommendations for travellers. Our clinics are members of recognised travel health organisations such as the British Global Travel Health Association and the International Society of Travel Medicine.

We are also commissioned to assist the NHS in the provision of immunisation services, and our primary objective is to ensure that we always provide these safely, efficiently, and professionally.

We endeavour to provide our clients with an immunisation service that they would not only be happy to use again, but would recommend to others.

Consent and Confidentiality

We always seek your consent to treatment following your consultation when you access any of our services. All our staff are bound by professional standards of confidentiality and comply with the Data Protection Act 1998. It means that all your personal information and data are treated and maintained in confidence and not passed to third parties not involved in the services you access without your express permission. We strongly believe that it is important for both your safety and continuity of care that your family doctor is aware of any treatment that you have through our services and we encourage you to directly share the information we provide you with

Registered provider

Vaccination UK operates travel and flu vaccination services, and school age immunisation programmes at various clinic and satellite locations throughout the UK. We employ a qualified general practitioner (Doctor) who undertakes clinical sessions and works with us to maintain our high standards of care, policies and procedures. Both the nursing and medical teams work to ensure the care and welfare of patients are paramount and they receive safe and informative services.

We work in partnership with both private and NHS organisations; we are registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and aim to deliver very high standards of care to our patients and partners.

This independent medical agency is registered under the ownership of Vaccination UK Ltd and is regulated by:

The Care Quality Commission (CQC), under the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2010 and the Care Quality Commission (Registration) Regulations 2009 and associated legislation. (Service Provider ID:1-1-1634166)

Registered Manager

The Registered Manager for the CQC is Amanda Yerby, RN. She is the Governance Lead and works as the Clinical Director for Vaccination UK Ltd. Her base is as above, at 21A Brand Street, Hitchin, Herts. SG5 1JE. In addition to this, she is clinically trained and has vast experience in travel health, primary health and childhood immunisations.

Brief description of central location

Our central offices in the UK consists of 2 consultation rooms, reception and waiting areas with administration offices.

Our satellite and Norwich clinic (The Globe Travel Health Centre) offer alternative sites for patients at different locations and for patients with disability access.

Service provision

Vaccination UK Ltd Provide

  • Travel vaccination and related health care advice
  • Private medical consultations
  • Medical screening examinations
  • Flu vaccinations in various locations e.g. workplaces
  • School aged immunisation programmes

Our main focus of care is travel and flu vaccinations, and the provision of school aged immunisations. All our staff are experienced, equipped and trained to deliver high quality services. Along with our senior medical advisor, we work with a pharmacist to support our service. We have clinical lead staff in place to ensure clinical support and guidance to nursing staff.

We continually work to develop and implement structures for monitoring and auditing standards of care patients receive. We have a complaints and feedback policy and work with our customers for constructive feedback for continued improvements.

Patients Guide

Our independent services with guidance and costings are openly displayed on our websites and

All customers can expect to receive

  • A full risk assessment by specialist trained professionals
  • A bespoke travel vaccination and health advisory service
  • Seasonal flu vaccinations and corporate services
  • School aged immunisations provided on behalf of the NHS
  • Confidential consultations
  • General primary immunisations for Occupational Health purposes
  • Specialist vaccinations to compliment NHS
  • Recommendations and up to date travel information
  • Readily available vaccinations and anti-malarial medications
  • Quick appointments, same day/same week
  • Accessible clinics at convenient times in a variety of locations
  • Good customer services
  • Personal record cards and information
  • Feedback forms for service improvements

Audit and Service User Surveys

Vaccination UK Ltd works to monitor and audit all service provisions to service users. Client records will be reviewed, client and service user surveys will be collated, and audit outcomes shared to ensure high standards are maintained. These are available for inspection by our regulators.


We take all complaints seriously and welcome all feedback. We work to ensure improvements are undertaken and lessons learnt. All feedback is shared with relevant teams and are reviewed and discussed at management and team meetings.

Our main office contact number is 01462 459595 and the email address where complaints and feedback can be directed to is:

Our Regulator remains

Care Quality Commission
National Customer Service Centre
Newcastle upon Tyne
Tel: 03000 616161

It is intended that the divisional audits are undertaken for our regulatory body and open to inspection on request.

Feedback to individual staff and teams working under the umbrella of Vaccination UK Ltd is given either on an immediate basis as appropriate or at regular staff meetings.

(Statement of Purpose updated May 25th, 2018)